Singing Guide: Julia Brennan

Singing Guide: Julia Brennan

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal Technique of Julia Brennan

One of the key attributes of Julia Brennan's singing is her powerful belt vocals. She has a soulful, raspy voice that is well-suited to emotive ballads. Her control over vibrato is exceptional, allowing her to express a range of emotions in her songs.

Julia Brennan's famous song “Inner Demons” is a great example of her use of belt vocals and vibrato. The song features a slower tempo that allows her voice to stretch to its full range. She transitions between chest and head voice with ease, to create a unique sound that captures the listener’s attention.

Songs that Showcase Julia Brennan's Vocal Technique

If you want to learn how to sing like Julia Brennan, you should start with “Inner Demons”. The song is an excellent showcase of her signature vocal style. Another song to consider is “How Does It Feel”, where Julia Brennan’s range and upper register are fully on display.

Practical Tips to Help You Sing Like Julia Brennan

  • Warm-up your voice before singing: Singing exercises are a crucial part of developing your vocal range. You can start with the humming exercise provided in the Singing Carrots resources.
  • Breathe correctly: Effective breathing is essential to sustain notes, projecting powerfully, and to hit high and low notes with ease. Refer to the breathing basics article provided by Singing Carrots to know more about this.
  • Control your pitch: Singing in tune is another important skill to master. You can use the pitch accuracy test on the Singing Carrots website to help you identify areas to improve in this regard.
  • Incorporate vibrato: Vibrato adds richness and expression to a singer’s voice. The video on singing with vibrato will help you learn and practice using it effectively.

Singing Carrots Resources


To sing like Julia Brennan, you'll need to master the art of emotive ballad singing, controlling pitch, vibrato, and belt vocals. Use the resources and tips provided in this article to develop your skills and start singing like Julia Brennan today!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.